Breast Care Rituals
Photo: Laura Vendescoeur
Breast self care rituals are a beautiful way for you to create ceremony around honouring yourself. Breast health imbalances often represent the refusal to nourish ourselves, whether it’s physically, emotionally or spiritually. It is a woman’s tendency to give and look after others while neglecting her own needs. The following practices will help you to tune in and carve out some time to nourish and love yourself.
Breast Massage
Breast massage is great way for not only improving flow of blood and lymph circulation but it’s wonderful for moving stagnant energy and emotions.
Breasts contain very little muscle tissue, which restricts the flow of lymph. When lymph becomes stagnant, toxins are retained and proper nutrition of the breasts is inhibited. Our breasts contain an abundance of lymph vessels, which are responsible for draining toxins from the breast tissue. Important lymph nodes reside under the armpits and upper chest area and are responsible for filtering harmful substances and contain important immune cells which fight off the bad guys.
The health of our lymphatic system is intimately connected to our breast health.
Breast Massage Benefits
Supports healthy lymph flow
Increase breast tissue nutrition and oxygenation
Boosts blood circulation
Detoxifies toxins and excess estrogen
Enhance elasticity of the ligaments
Increase breast milk production
Unblock plugged milk glands
Releases stagnant energy like stress, hurt, sorrow, unlovability, unworthiness
Reduces breast tenderness
Allows you to develop a relationship with your breasts and body
Helps you get comfortable and confident with the idea and practice of a breast exam
Head over here for a great video tutorial on how to give yourself a breast lymphatic massage in under 5 min.
Breast Mask
Hemp Seed Oil
Dandelion root powder or tincture
Reishi mushroom powder
Turmeric powder
A few drops of laurel or frankincense essential oil
Mix ingredients and form a paste. Use your intuition to guide you to each ingredient’s quantity.
Apply and wait for it to dry. I like to leave mine on for about 20-30 min.
Visualize a white light surrounding your breasts and mentally recite “My breasts are divinely loved and healthy. I love, honor and accept myself.”
Do a quick breast massage afterwards to help clear any toxins and apply a nourishing breast oil.
Since this post, I’ve launched the BREASTMASK which is now available for purchase.
A Breast Healing Infusion
Makes: 1 Cup
1 tsp of Violet leaf
1 tsp of Dandelion root
1 tsp of Nettle
1 tsp of Rose
1 cup of hot filtered or spring water
Infuse for 5-10 minutes. Consume 2-4 cups a day.
Head over here to learn the ingredient benefits.