The following testimonials are from women who’ve experienced results in days, weeks and just a few months. When you have the right tools, healing happens very quickly. I’ve worked with 100’s of people and all my clients are success stories.
I hope this inspires you to keep going on your healing journey. No matter how long you’ve been dealing with your issues, you can heal them and you can see results quickly.
Client B who’s Lyme symptoms disappeared in weeks when we started addressing and clearing her high mercury levels.
Client J whose anxiety and panic attacks went away when we started to release the accumulated stress in her body.
Client A who had a lot of fear around her health and totally eliminated it when we started to release the trapped fear in her body.
Client R who healed 5 years of chronic shoulder pain in less than 2 minutes.
Client K who in her 60’s saw her hearing and eyesight improve in less than 2 weeks.
Client S who felt a new level of happiness that she hadn’t felt in years after one workshop.
Client M who’s experienced a huge improvement in hormone balance in less than 4 weeks.
Client L who’s acne started to clear up in less than a week.
Client G who healed her adrenal fatigue in less than 3 months.
Client L who’s eczema dramatically improved within a few weeks.
Client B who’s Crohn’s symptoms rapidly improved and experienced less bloating, cramping and constipation.
Client E who’s breasts cysts shrank significantly within 2 months.
Client A who’s RA symptoms drastically improved and inflammation levels dropped within 3 months.
Client J who’s experienced a huge reduction in anxiety and felt calmer and happier than she had in years.
“I just wanted to give you an update. Since starting all the supplements you recommended, the large cyst in my breast that was the size of a walnut has shrunk down to the size of a dime now! In just 1 month! I’m soooo happy and amazed! Thank you so much!!!”
I love the Heal Your Breast course! I started experiencing breast pain in August and was sent for an ultrasound and mammogram in October after I had my annual physical.
They ordered multiple biopsies since I have a lot of calcifications and cysts. They said the pain was almost certainly from the cysts, so they aspirated a number of them. That helped a little bit but then the pain came back.
Long story short, it was many months of frustrating Doctors appointments, where I was ordered for biopsies and scans, and even surgery was suggested, and there was no diagnosis of the pain other than a guess, but no real solution.
I started going to acupuncture and my acupuncturist recommended I look into some supplement I can’t remember what but that Google search lead me to your course.
After reading through your website, I felt seen and heard for the first time in months. Every Google search I’d done before that was leading me down this breast cancer route, which is not what I have.
I was so thrilled to find a website that was speaking about cysts and fibroadenomas!!
Per your recommendation, I started taking a daily supplement of iodine and ordered magnesium lotion, plus I had already been taking A, D, B and fish oil. I also worked on my self talk (stopped saying I have breast pain, and shifted my self talk to ‘ I intend to heal myself naturally’ and I’ve now gone multiple weeks with no pain”
“I am so grateful to be working with Rachelle. I leave our 1 on 1 sessions feeling so grounded, heard, and enlightened. I have so much anxiety surrounding my overall health and breast health, and her warmth makes it so easy to open and express how I am truly feeling. There is no rush during our session, no judgement— only her understanding and openness. I honestly don’t know that I have ever felt so comfortable with any therapist/doctor/specialist. She is able to help me work through those feelings and offers guidance on how to let go of the fear, resentment and anger I have been holding into throughout my health journey.
I’m finding great help through the access to my online portal that offers more breast health information and ways to educate myself. I do the 15 minute healing routine everyday and it has become something I actually enjoying doing and helps center my thoughts and emotions and let go.
I’m so happy to have found Rachelle, she has totally helped shift my perspective on healing and what I want for myself!”
“It’s great how easy is to talk to Rachelle. She’s given me some great tips from supplementing with micronutrients like iodine to some sleeping tips like rubbing castor oil and lavender on my feet before sleep (it works amazingly and my bedroom smells heavenly afterwards!). I’m interested and inspired to learn more about my breast health. Rachelle has also mentioned some books I’m eager to read. All in all, I’d wholeheartedly recommend you to have a one on one session with her because A- she’s a joy to talk to, B- she’s a well of knowledge!
Hi Rachelle,
I watched the 'Master your mindset' video yesterday and holy frick - it changed everything for me!
I was stuck in a weird doom spiral for quite a long time. The words you said and the energy you brought to the video were just what I needed. I woke up excited about life today and feel so much more in control of my body/health/beliefs/life direction.
I couldn't see it at the time, but I had picked up some bullshit beliefs around a lot of things (I think during the pandemic madness?) and had given up on ever getting the things I wanted in life.
I wrote out the words "I now tell a new, positive, abundant, uplifting story around what I get in this Lifetime" from what you said at the end of the vid. It literally jolted me into the realisation that I have been living life thinking that I was not capable or deserving of money/health/love/etc etc etc. I was completely unaware of the story I was telling myself. HUGE.
Please keep doing what you are doing! The mindset stuff is everything. Some of us just need waking up from the strange hypnosis/programming we have fallen into.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
All the way from New Zealand!
Rebecca xx
Master Your Mindset helped me change my perspective and outlook on my healing . I'm feeling so much more confident and positive around my healing.
I loved the Master Your Mindset. I will go back to it over and over until I've mastered it.
“I am currently in your course Heal Your Body and the mindset module alone was transformative even as I’ve been in this world for years and have a solid kundalini practice. I so resonate with your energy/teaching and sound code.”
“Hey Rachelle ! I just wanted to reach out & thank you SO incredibly much for the Heal Your Body course you created. I am a week in with doing the exercises twice daily and it is an understatement to say that it has been a revelation. I had no idea I could just feel calm in life :) I know that things will just keep improving with this information & these powerful tools. So thank you. Sending you lots of blessings today <3”
Hi love! How are you? I signed up for your Heal Your Body course - I needed to get re-inspired to do the Fascial maneuvers again and it was the best decision. I started doing them again a couple of days ago (why did I ever stop 🤪) and my oh my you weren’t kidding - I have been so so thirsty! The body is amazing. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you for doing what you do 😘😘
Hi Rachelle! I’ve been feeling so good and in process of writing to you about it. I have not felt so good since I don’t even know when. Something clicked or shifted since last week. I realized I completely stopped overeating and not by effort…all cravings/compulsions gone.
All negative emotions/compulsive judgments of others ceased out of nowhere…I can’t come up with something if I try, it just doesn’t stick.
Had a guy throwing up on me on train-totally calm. No pounding heart, heart palpitations totally gone.
Can’t tell you to be free of terror/panic mode in my body is beyond words. I’m walking around with eerie calmness. Feels like this elusive witness consciousness that I’ve been able to form and the cascade of positive from all of this has been real. I hate to sound like an advertisement but it’s true.
Today I could not stop smiling, I think I was even skipping…the dread and despair I’ve always felt has not been present. I actually feel happy and light and excited about life.
I had sentenced myself to this never being possible for me simply because I wouldn’t allow it for myself out of guilt. I can’t even relate to that right now.
I will also mention I’m starting to mentally/physically prepare for a plant medicine ceremony over my birthday next weekend and I’m so grateful for the timing of this work with you. It’s the perfect preparation. I don’t even know that I would have followed through given my state before fascia release work.
I also experimented with some very specific intentions around body parts and the improvement/resolution took place within days.
Holistic breast health is so important and often overlooked until we run into any discomfort or dis-ease. Rachelle's online course, Heal Your Breasts, is a beautiful and very welcome contribution to bring much-needed awareness to our centre of love and nourishment aka breasts. What I loved about it most is that she touches on a wide variety of modalities from herbs to massage, nutritional advice and essential oils. And you can feel throughout that it all comes from deeply embodied experience. I would definitely recommend the workshop to all women - it's an essential part of holistic self-care!
“I took Rachelle’s Fascial Maneuvers Class on a whim. Myself and my little family have been feeling about as much stress as anyone else in the world these days. Additionally, I am an events florist, which takes a real toll on the body. I wake up daily with severe pain in my hips and lower back. Moving into my forties, all the ways I’ve abused my body over the past years are really catching up with me.
The class itself was so simple and easy to follow that I almost thought it might not be doing much at all.
But just after the class and into the rest of the day, I realized just how calm I felt. Every achy joint and muscle in my body had subsided and by day three, my face not only looked but felt different. Softer, more full, glowing.
I’m newly committed to this practice as a means of staying calm through all the turbulence of daily life and so living in my skin and my body feels bearable again.
It’s seriously better than yoga.
Thank you!”
“I recently purchased your facial fascia class and am loving it! So is my eldest daughter who is in the midst of her high school final exam period.
Helping so much with pulling stress out ✨
I have chronic back pain issues for nearly 10 yrs ( was bed bound for 18mths) I can intuitively feel that this is going to help!”
“ So I finished my first fascia maneuvers class and it’s unreal. I’m almost speechless.
I didn’t have any expectations but was amazed at how quickly everything shifted and moved. It’s also a really interesting insight as to how much our body hangs on to stuff.
You don’t realize you can feel so much lighter until you do. Needless to say, my mind was blown.”
“I’ve notice a lot of lymphatic drainage since our first session.
I also had an incredible emotional release after yesterday’s class. I hold soooo much in my shoulders and hips it turns out!”
“I finally did the shoulders, hips and knees class yesterday! 🤪😆 It was fantastic!!!!
I had a major shift (meltdown) a few weeks ago and realized how much I need to work on my self love. I mean, I feel like I’ve been working on it for the past few years, but … oh, no!!!! 😅😂
I KNOW the maneuvers are helping me with that, and so much more. 💜💜💜 When you mentioned telling yourself what you want someone to say to you, really hit me. And I know I’ve heard that over and over… but when I heard you say it yesterday, it just clicked inside for me. 💗”
“I’m just poking my head in here because today I added the non-surgical facelift session from the app to the end of my regular routine and after one, five minute session I have zero jaw pain. None. All the stress and tension is totally gone and my face feels normal (I don’t have anyone else I can tell who will get it lol)
I won’t ever be able to get over how magically effective these maneuvers are.
ps - I’m finally keeping track on a calendar to stay consistent and motivated!
I would have never known about this without you, thank you so much for sharing it with your community! ♥️”