15 Immunity Boosting Tips

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Our immune system is our first defence when it comes to maintaining our health. Most of us, however, don’t give it much consideration until we get sick. It’s a complex system which involves organs, bone marrow, antibodies, cells and nutrients.

The lymphatic system, for example, is the secondary circulatory system which removes toxins and dumps them into the blood to be removed. It doesn’t have a pump and relies on exercise and muscle activity in order for the lymph to circulate. A healthy lymphatic system equates to a strong immune system. The liver is also an incredibly important part of our immunity. It helps detoxify many substances that would be otherwise taxing on the immune system.

We don’t often think of the skin as an important part of our immune system but it’s actually our first defence and needs to be treated with care. Chemical filled skin care, shampoos, makeup will weaken your immune system by increasing the toxins your body has to contend with.

The most obvious signs that our immune system is in need of a boost, is when we start getting sick; sore throats, cold, flus, infections, etc. That’s usually when we slow down and start taking care of ourselves. Ideally you want to be supporting your immune system year round, not only during the colder months.  

Our immune system is affected by many things; sleep, nutrition, stress, emotions, thoughts, relationships with others and ourselves, and exercise. It’s easy to take for granted the simplicity of some of the ways that help keep us healthy. Staying healthy doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive but it does require us to put the relationship with ourselves at the top of the priority list. It’s hard to stay healthy if we think of ourselves last and don’t think we are worthy and deserving of the love and care we often give others.


 15 Immunity Boosting Tips


1. Get lots of quality sleep • Insufficient or poor sleep is one of the most common causes of a weakened immune system.

2. Exercise consistently • Lack of exercise will impair the lymphatic system and decreases immune cell function.

3. Support and cleanse your liver •  Burdock, dandelion and milk thistle are a great liver support.

4. Improve digestion and absorption  • Proper nutrient absorption is crucial for a strong immune system.

5.  Support a healthy lymphatic system • Exercise and eat a whole, organic and plant based diet. Dry brushing helps stimulate the lymph.

6. Maintain healthy skin • Skin disorders like eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis stress and weaken the immune system. The immune system starts with healthy skin, which keeps invaders at bay.  Stay away from chemical filled skincare.

7. Eat a healthy diet • Poor diet deprives the immune system of important building blocks. Eliminate refined and processed foods.

8. Avoid food sensitivities + allergies  • Eating foods that our body can’t support increases inflammation.

9. Drink lots of pure, filtered water   • Drinking unfiltered water increases the level of toxins.

10. Manage stress • Meditate, breathing exercises, yoga, EFT. Stress (physical, emotional, psychological) and fear are known to lower immunity.

11. Reduce exposure to pollution

12. Address nutritional deficiencies • Zinc, Selenium, vitamin A, C, E  are vital for a strong immune system.

13. Support healthy adrenals • Stressed or weakened adrenals can lead to suppression of the immune system.

14. Avoid refined sugar, especially when you’re ill • Refined sugar depletes important minerals and vitamins.

15. Care for your emotional health • Low self-esteem, emotional extremes or loss of a loved one may reduce lymphocytes and natural killer cells and functions.


Choose the tips that resonate with you and start incorporating them on a daily basis. Start creating habits that will support your immune system and your health year round.


Immune Boosting Botanicals + Foods (Organic)

  • Astragalus

  • Echinacea

  • Ginseng

  • Ginger

  • Garlic

  • Onions

  • Turmeric

  • Reishi

  • Blueberries


Immune Boosting Nutrients

  • Zinc

  • Selenium

  • Probiotics

  • B vitamins

  • Vitamins  A, C, D, E 

  • CoQ10

  • Antioxidants

All minerals and vitamins play a very important role, however, some are known to specifically boost immunity. The best thing to do would be to correct any nutrient deficiencies.


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  • Staying Healthy With Nutrition – Elson M. Haas

  • Nutritional Pathology – CSNN