Heal Your Body

Welcome to The Heal Your Body Program! This program is designed as a self healing practice to help you quickly achieve homeostasis to support your body’s intelligence.

Your body knows exactly what to do to heal the imbalances and dis-ease you’re currently experiencing. Our job is to give our body what it needs so that it can do what it knows to do - HEAL. Now, the tricky part is understanding what the body is communicating. And it’s always communicating with us via symptoms, pain, irregularities, etc.

No matter your health imbalance, you’ll benefit from this program. At the root of all imbalances is one form or another of stress. Stress can stem from nutrient deficiencies, a poor relationship to self or even trapped emotions (fear, anger, resentment).

How to get the most out of this work

  • The more you do these classes, the better the results.

  • Set an intention before starting your practice. What needs to be released?

  • Listen to your body. Rest if you need to rest. It’s quite common to feel very tired after doing a class, especially if you’re new to this.

  • Take a headshot, full front and side profiles photos to help you see your transformation. Your body, especially face, will change.

  • Write down what you’re struggling with. Go back and visit your list every couple of weeks to see what’s changed. You’ll be amazed at how subtle and quietly your issues go away. It took me several months to realize how many issues had actually disappeared.

Post Fascia Maneuver Support

  • Drink lots of water and take a shower or, even better, an epsom salt bath, or even a swim after doing a class to help cleanse and clear your body of this powerful energetic release.

  • Go for a 30 min walk to help your body integrate


Welcome to your Daily Routine!

How to get the most out of this routine:

  • I highly recommend doing the 15 Min Stress Reset and 20 Min Bedtime routine videos DAILY for a min of 28 days for optimal results. The body has a stress habit cycle of 28 days which needs to be broken and re-programmed.

  • This routine will help you release stress, heal your nervous system, get your body out of fight or flight, release trauma and trapped emotions, reduce your inflammation levels.

  • Set an intention of what you’d like to release, experience

    • I intend to heal X quickly, easily and effortlessly

    • I intend to feel grounded and calm

  • Commit to doing this routine daily to see optimal results. Feeling resistant? Set an intention to do this routine every day (it works wonders!)

  • You’ll get to a point where you won’t need to follow the daily routine videos anymore. You’ll be able to do the maneuvers from memory.

  • You might not feel a whole lot when your first start, but keep going!! So much of the healing that is occurring is not felt. It’s a deep energetic transformation.

15 Min Stress Reset

20 Min Bedtime Routine

Women’s Holistic Health Masterclass

Healing Anxiety Workshop


Master Your Mindset To Create Rapid Success


Vagus Nerve Fascia Maneuvers Class


Healing Anxiety Fascia Maneuvers Class