Photo: Rachelle Poitras
In the 4 years since I first wrote this post, I’ve learned and healed so much. And I hope that I’m about to share helps you on your healing journey.
First of all, if you’re dealing with any kind of growth, lump, tumor, cyst, fibroadenoma, fibroid, I send you my love. In my breasts there were 12 fibroadenomas and a tennis ball size benign tumor. And it scared the living shit out of me. For a long time. And to be honest, no one knew how to help except for having it surgically removed. So I had a large fibroadenoma surgically removed in my early twenties and thought that would be it.
It wasn’t. I didn’t get to the root issues, so guess what. An even larger and more serious phyllodes tumor grew in the exact same spot. And it grew and grew and grew. You can read My Story to get the full picture, but eventually I figured out to heal myself. And I’ve learned so much along the way.
One of the biggest lessons has been, HEALING and SHRINKING a growth are 2 different things. Your cyst, lump, pain, tumor, fibroadenomas are SYMPTOMS of another imbalance. And when you address this root imbalance they’ll heal on their own. The great news is your body knows exactly how to heal itself. Now, if you don’t address the root issues, you can shrink or remove a growth with external tools (castor oil, chemo, radiation, surgery, etc) but you still have an internal environment that is susceptible to more growths.
I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve had who’ve been using castor oil on their lumps but never actually healed the lump and have also had other lumps grow, in the breasts, uterus, ovaries, etc.
Castor oil is bandaid and will NOT heal the growths.
So what are the root issues of growths, no matter where they’re found in the body
Imbalanced hormones ie. excess estrogen.
Stress is the biggest contributing factor to hormonal issues. Why? Because it depletes key vitamins and minerals which are need to help keep hormones in balance
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The body can’t heal without proper levels of each and every vitamin and mineral.
Most western doctors don’t understand how the human body works and what it needs to heal. They’re educated in symptomatology and pharmacology. I had someone reach out who’d had 3 surgeries to remove a reoccurring fibroadenoma. Clearly it wasn’t working.
Here’s what I did and what I recommend to heal not only your breasts, growths, but your whole body. Because it’s all connected.
My Healing Protocol
When I work with people, we address the WHOLE body. So not only to the lumps heal, but hormones become balanced, anxiety goest away, digestion improves, skin clears up, hair grows longer, wrinkles reverse and so much more. Check out these amazing testimonials.
This is how I healed 12 fibroadenomas, a tennis ball size tumor and so much more. I also credit the following to completely healing my anxiety.
1. RELEASE the accumulated stress, trauma and trapped emotions (fear, resentment) from your body. Of all the things I’ve done, working with my fascia helped me balance my hormones the most and heal my body the quickest.
HOW | The Daily Healing Routine will change your life. And it’s SO EASY it’ll blow your mind.
There are also 10 amazing classes available. I highly recommend reading the testimonials.
The body can’t heal in a stressed state. It has to be relaxed. That’s why most healing happens in our sleep.
2. Correct nutrient deficiencies
If you’re dealing with any growths or any kind or severity, you’re deficient in several key vitamins and minerals. This instrumental in creating an internal environment where cysts, fibroaenomas, even cancer are unable to grow.
3. Mindset
How you think about and speak to yourself plays a very huge role in your healing journey. It determines how quickly or slowly you heal. The body achieves what the mind believes and how the body feels. I have a very interesting story about this that changed my whole outlook on healing. You can read it here. No diet or protocol can compensate for low self worth, value or enoughness. Self love and acceptance are the highest healing frequencies.
Here’s an affirmation that has served me very well: My body heals quickly, easily and effortlessly.
Now when you do the above and you incorporate the external tools like castor oil, that’s when you have a super powerful healing combo. Healing is an inside job. You should never have to depend on anything externally for health long term.
I also had someone reach out who mentioned she’s suffered with severed breast pain for years and castor oil was the only thing that helped. Now this might sound like a win for castor oil but it isn’t for the woman. Most breast pain are symptoms of nutrient deficiencies (magnesium, vitamin D3, iodine, etc) Correct them and the majority of the time the pain will go away. If you don’t correct these deficiencies, over time things can worse and lead to growths.
Offerings to Support Your Health
If you’re desire to heal you body quickly and transform your health for good, I offer 1-1 sessions and Private Coaching. All my clients have seen tremendous shifts and improvements within very short time spans.
All my clients are success stories. Read their testimonials.
If you’re more self-guided, I have 2 incredible courses where you’ll start to see result in a matter of days.
Ok, back to castor oil.
Castor oil penetrates the skin on a much deeper level than most oils, accessing deeper tissues. It has drawing power of up to 4 inches deep, and it draws thoroughly. So when it’s combined with, let’s say, an essential oil this medicine now has a vehicle to get to deeper tissue. And add some heat on top of that (I like to keep it simple and use a hot water bottle) and you have a beautiful self care ritual. It’s also rich in vitamin E, fatty acids, minerals and proteins making it an incredible oil.
Castor oil encourages lymphatic circulation and drainage, improves blood flow, is anti-inflammatory, helps detoxify breast tissue, supports shrinking and healing of benign masses and swellings, including cysts, growth, tumors, and fibroadenomas.
The benefits of castor oil are innumerable. Here are a few of the ways that you can enjoy castor oil’s natural properties:
On it’s own as a breast massage oil or add to your current breast massage oil
Uterine oil (menstrual cramps, increase blood flow..)
Studies have found that castor oil packs produced a temporary increase in the number of immune-boosting T-11 cells and lymphocytes.
Anti- Fungal
Anti-inflammatory when externally applied to bruises.
Injuries and stiffness
Nervous disorders
Inflamed joints, muscle, connective tissue
Skin health
Varicose veins
Reduces swollen lymph glands
Shrinks lipomas
Detoxifies the liver
Heals burns
Heals bed sores
Itchy skin
Cracked heels
Torn cuticles
Heals minor cuts or wounds
Eliminates warts
Reduces pimples
Stretch marks
Moisturizes severely chapped lips
Lubricates eyes, decreases floaters
Promotes hair growth. Great for eyebrows and eyelashes.
Moisturizes and thickens hair.
Intestinal disorders.
Promotes lymphatic circulation and drainage
Helps detoxification
Promotes blood circulation
Gallbladder inflammation or stones.
Night time urinary frequency.
Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
Fights signs of aging (skin).
…. yup, theres’s more….
Wonderful for vatas. Give yourself a foot massage with castor oil before bed. Very grounding.
Liver congestion, digestive troubles, cramps, sore muscles? Apply a castor oil pack over the affected area.
Incredibly important that the oil you’re using is cold pressed, organic and hexane free. It should also come in a dark glass bottle.
Castor Oil Pack
You will need:
Castor oil (organic and hexane free)
Hot water bottle
An old shirt you don’t mind getting stained (castor oil stains)
30-60 min for 3-4 days a week
Put some castor oil on the affected area. Could be liver, breasts, ovaries, abdomen, uterus, and so on. Make sure you cover the whole area and it’s well saturated. Castor is quite thick and sticky.
Wear an old t-shirt. Castor oil stains.
Place a hot water bottle (I stay away from heating pads because of the EMF radiation they emit).
Relax for 30-60 min. The longer the better but 30 min is a good place to start.
This treatment is known to shrink fibroids, tumours, clear liver and intestinal congestion, promote healthy lymph, etc.
You can google how to do this, however some methods are a bit more complicated. The method I’ve just outlined is quick, easy and just as effective.
Write it down and schedule it. I generally do this in the evenings while reading a book or watching a movie. A great excuse (if you need one) to take some time for yourself.
There’s a magic to writing things down. If I don’t write it, it doesn’t happen.
My Tip
When I don’t have time to enjoy a castor oil pack ritual (which is most of the time), I make sure to at least apply it on the affected area before bed. Along with many other tools, that you’ll discover in Heal Your Breasts, castor oil can be a wonderful healing ally.
Put it on before taking a bath. The heat will help increase absorption.
Put it on right after a shower or before going to bed.
Combine it with other oils or essential oils, as it’s deeply penetrating. For example combine it with lavender, tea tree oil or frankincense to treat pimples.
Caveat: I repeat, castor oil stains!
Using castor oil with the BREASTMASK will provide some profound healing.
To Your Health!
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